Some of you are probably thinking, "Why would I cover a perfectly good looking headboard?"
Well, its because I tripped over the end of the bed once and broke the side bar on one side. Over the year I've done pretty much all I can to fashion it back together. Finally I decided to do something about it.
So this was my headboard before.
Well, its because I tripped over the end of the bed once and broke the side bar on one side. Over the year I've done pretty much all I can to fashion it back together. Finally I decided to do something about it.
When I took the picture above my bed had been on the floor for a few weeks and I was getting tired of looking at a messy room with an unfinished bed frame.
So anyway I bought all the fabric at the fabric store. Walking in that place is like a lost puppy in a room full of dog cookies. OVERWHELMING! There are too many choices, and not enough guidance for someone who usually doesn't plan ahead or do a ton of research. I just come up with a picture in my mind and its hard to explain exactly what I want to someone else.
This picture is me starting the "covering" process. I wanted to add some cushion to the headboard so its more comfortable, hence the pink felt. It was really just the cheapest fabric and there was plenty of it. I covered the middle in little squares to make the indents in the middle of the headboard less noticeable, and to make the surface smoother when I used the final printed fabric.
TA-DA! All done. Keep in mind I went to town with my staple gun! I tried to hide each staple as best I could in the back, but along the top to get that crisp edge I stapled it a lot. Later I covered those up with tiny brass tacks. Sorry I don't have a picture of that detail.
This is the inexpensive medal frame I purchased from a thrift store. They had so many just lying around in a bin, unused and unopened. It was nice and only $60. To buy a new bed that has a upholstered headboard foot board combo is around $400 to a whole lot more!!
I bolted the headboard to the frame (which I need to make sturdier). My favorite thing to do lately is wander around Home Depot and finding different hooks and whatnot which will work for the purpose I need it for. Not sure how many people actually do that, but I've become a professional.
And this is what the final product looks like. I still need to put the cover on my down comforter, but this is the basic idea.. I love it. And the best part is, if I get tired of that fabric its pretty easy to recover and start with something new.
Update: This headboard worked very well for several moves. I never did recover it, since I liked the material I originally picked. I've since upgraded to a new bedroom set, but this headboard had found a new home.
Update: This headboard worked very well for several moves. I never did recover it, since I liked the material I originally picked. I've since upgraded to a new bedroom set, but this headboard had found a new home.
I have a new house now that I've been remodeling so stay tuned for updates!